470 total articles - Page 2 of 47
Melissa Etheridge’s Cannabis Mugshot Is Amazing
Lisa Rough - Published on October 16, 2017Read moreMelissa Etheridge was arrested for cannabis at the US–Canada border, giving us what may be the greatest mug shot of all time.
Blumenauer Calls for Cannabis Research to Combat Opioid Crisis
Lisa Rough - Published on October 11, 2017Read moreRep. Earl Blumenauer took the floor during a Committee hearing to make an impassioned plea for medical cannabis research.
Can You Get Evicted for Legally Using Cannabis?
Lisa Rough - Published on October 11, 2017Read moreLeases are often vague when it comes to cannabis, so we talked to a lawyer to find out if you can get evicted for cannabis use and what your rights are as a tenant.
Meet the People Who Sent Cannabis Into Space
Lisa Rough - Published on October 9, 2017Read moreHerban Planet sent one pound of marijuana into the upper atmosphere, and now the team is working with scientists to see if anything has changed at a molecular level.
Cheech Marin Chats Cannabis, Chicano Art, and Which Actor Is ‘The Oddest F*cking Guy’
Lisa Rough - Published on October 9, 2017Read moreWith a new line of cannabis products coming out, Cheech Marin opens up about his career, cannabis, and the most interesting person he’s smoked with.
She’s Got a Golden Ticket: Meet One of the Five Licensed Cannabis Producers for New York
Lisa Rough - Published on October 3, 2017Read moreLeafly chats with Hillary Peckham, COO and Founder of Etain, the only women-owned family-run medical cannabis company in New York.
Mary Jane’s Last Dance: A Tribute to Tom Petty
Lisa Rough - Published on October 3, 2017Read moreThe ineffable Tom Petty left us with a legacy of incredible music and had no problem telling the world that he was “a reefer guy.”
12 Minority-Owned Cannabis Businesses That Are Shaping the Industry
Lisa Rough - Published on September 29, 2017Read moreThis is far from a complete list, but here are some great cannabis companies that are owned and operated by minority business owners.
Remembering Hugh Hefner’s Passionate Support for Cannabis Legalization
Lisa Rough - Published on September 28, 2017Read moreHugh Hefner left an indelible impression on the US with his financial and vocal support for cannabis legalization.
Philippines Health Committee Passes Medical Cannabis Bill
Lisa Rough - Published on September 27, 2017Read moreThe Filipino House Committee on Health voted to move forward on a bill to legalize cannabis for medicinal use in the Philippines.