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Is Wisconsin ‘Behind the Curve’ on Marijuana Laws?
The Associated Press - Published on May 2, 2019Read moreThe state is one of just 17 in which the possession, sale, or cultivation of cannabis in any amount can result in criminal prosecution.
Alaska Officials Clash Over Cannabis Investigations
The Associated Press - Published on May 2, 2019Read moreAlaska marijuana regulators expressed frustration this week with the limited cooperation they say they’re receiving with investigations from the state Department of Public Safety.
Texas Moves Ahead With Weakened Decriminalization Bill
The Associated Press - Published on April 30, 2019Read moreSomething’s better than nothing: Texas Republicans want more, but Gov. Abbott refuses to consider legalization.
Oregon Senate OKs Freeze on Cannabis Cultivation
The Associated Press - Published on April 29, 2019Read moreFacing product surpluses and plummeting prices, the Oregon Senate has moved forward with a plan to temporarily limit the state’s supply of legal adult-use marijuana.
Massachusetts Gives Cannabis Delivery the Green Light
The Associated Press - Published on April 29, 2019Read moreUnder the plan, which would initially be limited to social equity applicants, delivery businesses could pick up cannabis products from stores and bring them to residential customers.
Unlicensed LA Dispensary Sold Pesticide-Tainted Cannabis, City Says
The Associated Press - Published on April 17, 2019Read moreThe unlicensed shop sold cannabis containing paclobutrazol, a fungicide frequently used on golf course turf that the EPA classifies as a toxic chemical, City Attorney Mike Feuer said.
Georgia’s New Law Will Finally Allow Access to Cannabis Oil
The Associated Press - Published on April 17, 2019Read morePatients will finally be able to legally purchase the low-THC cannabis oil that they’ve long been allowed to possess.
Is Nebraska Headed for a No-Rules Medical Marijuana Market?
The Associated Press - Published on April 15, 2019Read moreNebraska advocates warn state legislators: If you don’t pass an MMJ law this session, they’ll put an Oklahoma-style legalization measure on the ballot.
National Drug Stores Selling CBD, but Not Walmart or Target—Yet
The Associated Press - Published on April 15, 2019Read moreNational chains are selling topicals only, not infused food or beverages, to stay within FDA rules.
Wisconsinites Want Legal Cannabis, Not Higher Gas Taxes. Who Knew?
The Associated Press - Published on April 10, 2019Read moreA new poll found 59% support for legalizing marijuana and 83% support for medical marijuana. Higher gas taxes? Not so much.