We check out how to use Nutra Cleanse THC Detox Kits.
How to use the Nutra Cleanse™ THC Detox Kit
Hey, everybody—Justin here. I’m back for another video (full video at the top of this page) with our friends at Pass Your Test, looking at a couple of fantastic products from their line of detox programs. We’ve got both the 5-Day Extreme Detox Cleanse and the 10-Day Ultra Detox here, and I’m excited to take you through what sort of goodies are packed in these boxes and help you decide which cleanse is right for you. It’s been a few years since our last video with Pass Your Test, and in that time I’ve consumed, let’s say my fair share, or maybe more than my fair share, of toxins.

What toxins does this kit clean out?
Toxins come from basically anything that makes you feel great but isn’t great for you, including guilty pleasures like alcohol, tobacco, all the stronger things we won’t mention, or everybody’s favorite plant, cannabis. If you, like me, enjoy a bit of indulgence from time to time, it might be a good idea to periodically reset and detoxify your system. No matter if you’re looking to kickstart a bout of healthy living, need to detox for work, or just want to supercharge your t-break, Pass Your Test detox kits have your back.

What is in the 5-Day Detox Kit?
This lovely spread is everything that you’ll find in the Pass Your Test 5-Day Detox Kit. Pretty impressive, right? What we have here is four pre-cleanse formula capsules, 30 of each of the morning and evening capsules, and eight clean capsules. All these guys are loaded with all sorts of natural detoxification agents like green tea leaf, cranberry, slippery elm, and Guarana Seed.

Detox shampoo is also available from Pass Your Test
Next, we have Pass Your Test’s Folli-clean Detoxification Shampoo to make sure your hair follicles test as clean as the rest of you. That’s not on the table because I’ve used it all.

Instructions/meal plan and home test kits
We’ve got a handy cleansing guide that also includes meal planning information, and finally, we’ve got some at-home tests so you can see and examine your toxicity levels yourself before somebody else does it for you.

Pre-cleanse preparation
The first step to starting your detox is, unfortunately, to stop smoking weed or whatever toxin you’re trying to get rid of. This kit contains some pretty powerful detoxification agents, but even this all-star team isn’t good enough to let you keep getting high and detox at the same time.

Pre-cleanse capsules
The next step on your detoxification journey is to take your pre-cleanse capsules. Wash all four of these down with 24 ounces of water an hour after you eat the night before your cleanse begins. This will prime your system for the detoxification to come.

Daily cleanse routine
Next, you’ll take six AM capsules after you eat breakfast and six PM capsules after you eat dinner for five days straight until the pills are finished. Make sure to also wash these guys down with another 24 ounces of water.

Use at-home test kits
After you’re done with your cleanse, follow the instructions and use the two at-home test kits that come with your program. These will confirm you are indeed ready for your test. Simple, right?

Nutra Cleanse™ 10-Day Detox Kit
Pass Your Test recommends choosing the 10-Day Cleanse if you’re a person who weighs over 200 pounds or a high-frequency weed consumer, so check and check. Once you get your hands on your kit, the process is pretty much the same as with the 5-Day Kit, just twice as long.

You’ll get twice as many of the capsules loaded with all the same supplements.

This kit comes with an additional at-home test for either THC or nicotine.

You can find both the 5-Day Extreme and the 10-Day Ultra-Cleanse and at-home testing kits for THC and nicotine on PassYourTest.com, in addition to their whole lineup of detox products. Now let’s dive a little deeper into some other important reading.
Short time window? You’ll need a Detox Drink Instead
If you don’t have 5-10 days to detox, consider a Detox Drink instead. Detox drinks work the same day and provide a several-hour window without THC flagging in your system.

Considerations before using a weed detox kit
Frequency of use
Some things to consider before beginning your detox kit are levels of THC in your system, frequency & strength of the products consumed, and your weight/body fat levels. Additionally, if you are detoxing to prepare for a drug test, knowing when your test is, how long you have to cleanse, and what type of drug test you may be taking are also critical.
- Occasional consumers: For those who consume marijuana sporadically, the detection window in urine is relatively short, typically lasting between 1 to 3 days post-consumption.
- Regular consumers: Individuals who consume marijuana on a more regular basis have a longer detection window, with the substance being identifiable in urine for roughly 7 to 21 days following the last use.
- Heavy consumers: Those with a heavy marijuana consumption routine may find that the substance remains detectable in urine tests for up to 30 days or possibly longer after cessation.
THC levels in the products consumed
For those who favor potent formats like cannabis concentrates such as dabs, waxes, or oils, expect much higher levels of THC and its metabolites to be stored in your system. Light consumers of THC-containing hemp or CBD products, like delta-8, THCA, or HHC will still have some levels of THC in their systems.
BMI (mainly body fat)
Regardless of the scenario, if your weight exceeds 220 lbs., it’s advisable to consider an extra-strength THC detox product. This is because cannabinoid compounds tend to be stored in higher concentrations, especially given THC’s affinity for fat cells. As you can imagine, the higher the body fat, the stronger the detox you will need.
Types of drug tests
There are several types of drug tests, though some are more common than others.
Urinalysis is the most common type of drug test since it’s fairly affordable and relatively less invasive than other methods. It also has one of the lengthier detection times of up to 30 days for heavy consumers.
Blood testing is one of the most expensive and invasive methods of testing (they require extracting blood from the subject), so it isn’t often used. Yet, if someone really wanted to find out if you’ve recently consumed THC or another substance, blood testing would be a good choice. Blood tests are best for determining if someone is currently or was very recently under the influence of drugs or alcohol and have a detection window of minutes to hours from the last use.
THC only shows up in a saliva drug test for about 72 hours after last consumption. It is unlikely that you will test positive for THC with a saliva test if you’ve given up THC for a few days previously. Saliva tests are typically used to catch people under the influence on the spot.
Hair follicle
Now, let’s talk about hair follicle drug tests. For these, you may consider a permanent detox kit that includes shampoo or a topical product. In cases where time is of the essence, topical products like shampoos can come in handy. They may provide a more immediate solution when a lengthy detox isn’t feasible.
How long do detox kits take?
Let’s break down the time it takes to detox from THC. There are two approaches: temporary and permanent, and each comes with its own set of variables that influence the duration of the detox process. For a temporary detox, you’re looking at a timeline of roughly one to three hours.
Now, if you’re aiming for a permanent THC detox, be prepared for it to take at least five to ten days. This might stretch out even longer if you’re a regular, heavy marijuana consumer. The duration is influenced by factors like:
- Your body composition and metabolism rate.
- The level of physical activity you maintain during the detox process.
- Your eating and sleeping habits.
Making sure you stick to the timeline outlined in your chosen THC detox kit can be a bit of a juggling act, but it’s entirely achievable. Always read and follow the instructions meticulously, maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle throughout the process, and remember—staying well-hydrated is crucial.
How do detox kits help flush THC?
Alright, let’s break down how THC detox products work. Detox kits like those from Pass Your Test are made with high-quality herbal ingredients selected to help kick your body’s natural detox process into overdrive. They team up to aid in clearing out those pesky THC metabolites from your system, all the while restoring your body with essential nutrients for detox recovery.
The top-notch THC detox kits from Pass Your Test use ingredients like cranberry extract and B vitamins. Plus, they’re great at reducing some of the side effects of detox (more on that below.)
Pass Your Test uses powerful herbs like:
- Burdock
- Licorice
- Uva ursi
- Slippery elm
- Goldenrod
- Dandelion
What are the steps to using a weed detox kit?
- Step 1: The THC detox ingredients kickstart a preliminary cleansing process, ramping up your metabolism.
- Step 2: Your body starts purging THC metabolites from your internal organs and systems.
- Step 3: The kidneys go into overdrive, flushing out any lingering traces of THC through increased bathroom visits.
- Step 4: As toxins and metabolites make their exit, the detox product swoops in with essential minerals, replenishing what was lost and restoring balance.
- Step 5: Post-detox, get ready for a healthier lifestyle. You may have more energy and an improved overall sense of well-being.
Now, to make sure you nail each of these steps, it’s highly recommended you select a detox kit that includes home testing kits. Home testing kits from Pass Your Test are just as precise as the ones they use in most testing labs, giving you accurate results right in the comfort of your own home.
What to expect when you detox from THC
Alright, let’s dive into what happens when you embark on a THC detox journey. Knowing what to expect can make the process much more manageable and effective. Remember, always talk to your doctor before using any detox products; especially if you have any existing conditions or medications.
Physical side effects
When you opt for fast-acting THC detox kits, you might experience a range of physical sensations. These are all signs that the ingredients are hard at work, flushing out THC metabolites from your system.
You could notice:
- Increased perspiration
- More frequent trips to the bathroom
- A boost in energy levels
- Indigestion or stomach upset
Staying well-hydrated throughout the process and following the product’s instructions to the tee will ensure a smoother and more effective cleanse.
For those undertaking a longer-term THC detox, the physical effects might evolve. As your body adapts to being THC-free, you might notice:
- Mild to intense cravings for cannabis
- Headache, nausea, or dizziness
- Disrupted sleep cycles or inability to fall asleep
- Fluctuations in your weight
- Mood changes—Irritability, anxiety, stress
Again, it’s important to note that these symptoms are typically mild and tend to ease off as the detox process comes to a close. These side effects are simply a part of the rapid detox process as your body is purging toxins. To minimize any discomfort, focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. That means staying well-hydrated, eating plenty of leafy greens and lean protein, and avoiding caffeine, alcohol, or other substances that may interfere with the detox process.
How to best prepare for your detox
If you’re hoping to have the most successful detox kit experience possible, it’s best practice to read through the guide beforehand and then follow the guidelines to the letter. Purchasing the “Extreme” and the “Ultra” detox kits will get you Pass Your Test’s Complete Cleansing Guide and Meal Plan, a 13-page PDF that goes deep on all the details of your detox kit. You won’t need to spend a whole bunch on unique meal kits or bizarre groceries, the Meal Plan will help you make the most of common staples and turn your fridge into one of your biggest allies.
After you’ve taken a look at the meal plan and read through the description, it’s time for the most difficult pill to swallow: you’ve got to stop consuming THC. We know, we know, but as powerful as Pass Your Test’s all-natural ingredients are, even they can’t keep you detoxified if you keep getting high. Grit your teeth, think of it as a t-break, and you’ll make it through.
The final step you need to take before you can get your detox underway is deciding which detox kit is right for you. This decision is amongst the most important ones you’re going to make on your detox journey, but here’s the good news—as long as you stick with Pass Your Test, you can’t lose. If you’re after a complete, full-body detox, then PYT recommends their all-time bestsellers, the five-day Extreme, and ten-day Ultra total body cleanse programs. But how do you decide between the two?
There are a couple of factors you need to consider when deciding, your consumption habits and your body weight. Generally, individuals who are frequent consumers of THC should opt for the ten-day Ultra kit, while those who partake less frequently will be best served by the five-day “Extreme” kit. However, a person weighing over 225 pounds who only smokes or vapes THC occasionally will get by on the Extreme kit, while a 100-pound daily dabber will need to spring for the Ultra kit. If you’re unsure of which one would be best for you, then head to Pass Your Test’s website and take their online quiz.
How to use detox kits by Nutra Cleanse
Once you’ve done all your prep work and said your (temporary) goodbyes to cannabis, you’re ready to start your detox in earnest. Both the Ultra and the Extreme kits begin with four capsules of the Pre-Cleanse formula. These capsules are loaded with all-natural ingredients that prime your system for the cleanse to come. Take these an hour after you eat the night before or the morning your detox program is set to begin, and make sure to take these with a full 24 ounces of water. Hydration is of critical importance to any detoxification program, so keep a water bottle handy and make sure you urinate frequently.
Next, you’ll take six capsules of the morning (or evening) formula with another 24 ounces of water, about an hour before you eat a meal, or whenever you think your stomach will be emptiest. Next, you’ll alternate the one you haven’t taken, continuing to take six capsules each morning and evening until the regimen is complete. These capsules have ingredients like green tea leaf, cranberry, slippery elm, and guarana seed, organic detoxification agents that have been scientifically tested to assist the body’s natural processes.
The Extreme cleanse will be finished in five days, the Ultra in ten, and they both have the eight post-cleanse capsules as their grand finale. Just take these capsules with your last 24 ounces of water, and you’ll be completely detoxified, guaranteed. Pass Your Test is so confident in its product that it even ships both the Extreme and the Ultra tests with test strips, so you can test your toxin levels at home. You can get either a test for nicotine, THC, or a mix of both, so you can be confident that, whatever your reasons for detoxing, you’ll be good to go.
How to support a natural weed detox
Our bodies are constantly detoxing, but when you need to get clean for a drug test, it calls for extra support. Even when you know you’ll be using a fast-acting detox drink, it’s good to know how best to support your body’s elimination and detoxification process.
Stay hydrated
Adequate hydration is fundamental to any detoxification process. Water plays a crucial role in the body’s natural elimination of toxins. It supports the kidneys and liver in flushing out waste products, including THC metabolites. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Additionally, incorporating herbal teas and infused water with lemon or cucumber may provide an extra boost of hydration and antioxidants.
Nutrient-rich diet
Eating a diet rich in nutrients is paramount for supporting the body’s natural detoxification processes. Focus on whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. These foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that enhance the efficiency of detox pathways. Leafy greens like kale and spinach and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts are particularly beneficial for liver health and detoxification.
Increase fiber intake
Fiber is a powerhouse nutrient when it comes to detoxification. It aids in bowel regularity and helps eliminate toxins through the digestive system. High-fiber foods like whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables act like a broom for the digestive tract, sweeping away waste products and promoting a healthy gut microbiome. Including foods like chia seeds, flaxseeds, and psyllium husk in your diet can be particularly beneficial for boosting fiber intake.
Exercise regularly
Regular physical activity is a powerful tool for supporting the body’s natural detoxification processes. Exercise stimulates blood circulation, which helps transport oxygen and nutrients to cells while carrying away waste products. Sweating during exercise is another key mechanism for toxin elimination. Through perspiration, the body releases toxins, including THC metabolites, helping to expedite the detox process. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.
Practice deep breathing
Deep breathing exercises, such as diaphragmatic breathing, facilitate better oxygenation of the body’s tissues. This is crucial for cellular metabolism and the efficiency of detoxification processes. Oxygen helps the body break down toxins and convert them into less harmful substances for elimination. Regular deep breathing practices, incorporated into daily routines or during dedicated mindfulness sessions, can significantly support the body during detox.
Include detoxifying herbs
Certain herbs have been renowned for their detoxifying properties, particularly in supporting liver function. Dandelion root, milk thistle, and turmeric are among the most notable. Dandelion root is known for its diuretic properties, aiding in the elimination of toxins through urine. Milk thistle contains a compound called silymarin, which has been shown to protect and regenerate liver cells. With its active compound curcumin, turmeric is a potent antioxidant that supports liver health and detoxification processes.
Sweat it out
Saunas or steam baths effectively promote sweating, a natural process for eliminating toxins through the skin. Sweating helps the body excrete water and waste products, including THC metabolites. These sessions can be particularly beneficial for individuals looking to expedite the detox process. Hydrating well before and after sauna sessions is advisable to support the body’s elimination mechanisms.
Get quality sleep
Adequate and quality sleep is crucial for overall health and vital to detoxification. During deep sleep stages, the body undergoes processes of repair, regeneration, and detoxification. Getting 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night allows the body to allocate energy towards these essential processes, ultimately supporting a more efficient cleanse. Establishing a consistent sleep routine and creating a conducive sleep environment can significantly aid in the detoxification process.
Limit exposure to toxins
Minimizing exposure to environmental toxins is a proactive measure to reduce the body’s overall detoxification burden. This includes avoiding or minimizing contact with pesticides, pollutants, and other harmful chemicals commonly found in certain foods, household products, and the environment. Opting for organic produce, using natural cleaning products, and being mindful of air quality can help lessen the body’s toxin load, allowing it to focus on eliminating residual THC metabolites.
Practice mindful stress management
Stress management techniques play a crucial role in supporting the body during detoxification. Engaging in activities like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises helps reduce stress levels. High stress can hinder the body’s ability to detoxify efficiently, so incorporating these practices can be instrumental in creating an environment conducive to effective detoxification.
Incorporate green tea
Green tea is rich in antioxidants known as catechins, which support the body’s detoxification pathways. Specifically, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a potent catechin in green tea, has been shown to enhance liver function and aid in the elimination of toxins. Drinking one to three cups of green tea daily can boost the body’s detoxification processes.
Stay consistent
Consistency is key when implementing these natural detoxification strategies. Detoxification is a gradual process, and regular, sustained efforts are essential for optimal results. By making these practices a part of your daily routine, you provide your body with the ongoing support it needs to eliminate residual THC metabolites effectively.
Consider natural supplements
Certain supplements, such as activated charcoal or bentonite clay, may assist in binding and eliminating toxins from the body. Activated charcoal, in particular, is known for its ability to absorb toxins, preventing their absorption in the digestive tract. It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating supplements into your detoxification regimen to ensure they are safe and appropriate for your individual needs.
Be patient
It’s important to remember that the body’s natural detoxification processes take time. Patience and consistency are essential for a successful detox. While the journey may vary from person to person, trust in your body’s innate ability to heal and cleanse itself. Celebrate the small milestones along the way and embrace the process as a positive step towards improved health and well-being.
When you don’t have time to detox naturally
Sometimes, time is not on your side, and you need to detox quickly. This is the time to reach out to detox experts with over 20 years of experience helping people detox on a short timeline.
Before you go, if you haven’t already, be sure to watch as we take a look at detox kits from PassYourTest.com in the video at the top of this page. You won’t want to miss it!