Afgoo reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Afgoo.
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What could I say about this strain, well, its not bad! I try my best compiling thoughts on this strain while just having consumed it. Its a very nice smelling, and hairy strain. It'll give you hell if you use your fingers to grind this up!
But, to the importance of a review! The high is soothing and blissful. Although it will make your head quite cloudy while coming down, theres nothing like feeling stress free.
To my experience while smoking in the early hours of afternoon I was happy, quite social, and just plain relaxed. My bias to sativa may have skewed this review but other then that the body high makes up for all of that. Just to add last minute, this is perfect for a great yoga and mediation session.
This was taken as a "crumble" style kief type hash. Earthy flavor, less bright than other hash I've had. Got a good deal on it so not complaining. I wouldn't complain anyway- love Indica hash for sleep medicine and this fits the bill. I forgot this was concentrated and smoked a bit more than recommended. Ha- kind of tripped out in a fetal position while hearing birds chirping but great sleep after. It is a matter of dose- with all medicine take only one hit first. Adjust accordingly
this is a great strain, it releives alot of pain and makes me much more creative happy and stress free, its awesome for adventures, and it last for so long, it makes the rest of your day just the best. may be a little strong for people new to smoking.
This strain made me very relaxed and sleepy. My girlfriend immediately went to bed after she smoked it and slept like a baby. Great indica for a sleepy and relaxed high
Maybe it's just my chemistry, but Afgoo doesn't really do it for me. It looks pretty and sparkly, smells and tastes sweet, fruity, and piney, but for me the most desired effects are practically nonexistent. I have to smoke quite a bit (for quality, expensive bud) to feel any kind of a "buzz". Even then, when it does kick in it's not really a "buzz", "high", or "stone", feels pretty weak, and doesn't last long. I gave a generous rating of 30 Minutes for my experience.
What I do experience is eye/sinus/head pressure around my left sinuses, and slight pain in my temples; some light dizziness/floatiness (not in a particularly pleasant way); and definitely sleepiness. I will have to give it good marks for treating insomnia, but for me I have to use so much to feel anything that I feel fatigued and sleepy the next day.
For me, Afgoo isn't worth it just to treat my insomnia. I have depression and anxiety to deal with as well, and even though I don't feel anxious, it's because I'm just sleepy. I think extended use of this strain would probably not be good for my depression either. Your results may vary.
This was a very interesting strain. Didn't really make me feel hungry but when I started eating I just kept going without noticing. I couldn't tell how full I was. Good for pain relief. I was really sore from working out but this made me feel fine. Didn't make me paranoid like the last strain so that was nice. Not sure if it's supposed to but I got a pretty good body high. Also not a couch locker so that was a big relief. Didn't really affect my energy much at all actually except I was a little tired. But if you wanted this would still probably be an OK day smoke. In my opinion more of an after-dinner type situation though. Overall good strain. Nice dense nugs too. 7/10. Would buy again.
Awesome strain for relaxing. Didn't get couch lock but was really relaxed for about 1.5 hours. It was a body high with buzz in the front of the brain. The first thing that hits is that lazy feeling of not wanting to do anything. Then comes a little hunger followed by slight sleepiness. Recommended for night time use.
Got this at a local California pharmacy and was very satisfied with the effects/quality of the buds. Dense buds without too many hairs but a nice layer of crystals that are quite visible to the naked eye. The density of the buds helps bring about strong and long lasting effects if enough is ingested. Positive: relieves stress very well, I feel extremely relaxed and almost lazy but can focus on one task at a time with ease. Negative: Cotton mouth! Drink something and you'll be fine. Anyway, I would definitely recommend this strain to anyone looking for a time of relaxing reflection and rejuvenation or as a midnight toke. 8/10.