AK-47 reviews

Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain AK-47.

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June 13, 2018
I’m loving the earthy tones in the flavor with that unmistakable light floral finish. The effects are chill, relaxed and easier to get focused on tasks. A great daytime bud.
August 2, 2016
nice calm high that towards the end made me go night night
February 1, 2016
yeah. I like this one. good taste, slow sneaky head change, it feels like a fountain of happiness is flowing from the top of my head. (It's so good I just fucking wrote that)
January 26, 2014
one of my favorites to smoke (vapor is a slightly different high for me) and tastes great out of a bong. very quick uptake, lasts about 2 hours for me. very simple, euphoric high and great to listen to music on. would definitely recommend!
January 2, 2016
Cracking open this bag smells of sweet and mango pop out! Heavy undertones of peanut underneath, it smells great! The hue of this nugget is coated in a wide spectrums of gold n white maybe the cbn showing? Fox tailing with auburn hairs at the peak of this bud dark green leafs and small boulder shoulders and the bottom puff out like a dress and scoops up away from it's stem, very dank as well as tough to break apart leaves you with sticky fingers. The heavy head high comes with a nice warm sensation you'd feel on the summer day when the sun starts to warm up your body an absolute must have for these bitter cold winter days. Feeling happy and energetic it feels wonderful having no stress and doing what has to be done, allows me to even fit reading and music practice in as well. I love the true ak-47 that lets me feel this way. I have had other said "ak-47's" and their genetics don't match this true linotypes they don't lie. I have found one con if taken more than a few times a day I can get very dizzy on this. It's well worth it the first few times, other than that I'd have to switch it tastes like. Chemical wood like and pungent, herbal/pepper. I found this helpful for my concentration ADHD, my eye's Glaucoma, there seems to be some fade-in's n outs' to this tinnitus for this as long as you have a small amount of music in the background your ears don't ring as much, or not at all i've found it helps there, small pain numbing, but not much more on the visuals, depression and stress are gone. I feel very creative on this as well absolute 5 stars on effects I feel like a warm ball of light right now.
November 11, 2014
I renamed it M4 cus AKs are for terrorist. Very relaxing smoke full of terpenes. Really helps with PTSD.
November 3, 2014
ak 47 curada aroma:entrada fresca notas dulces, matices cítricos y fondo anisado sabor:dulce cremoso, cítrico con matices a limón efecto:subida rápida muy cerebral y con iinfluencia fisica
April 11, 2014
Before I smoke AK47 I only smoked weed about 7 times and it wasn't very much and was really shit weed. Then I got a new dealer and bought my first "proper" strain. It was a completely mind blowing experience for my first real strain and basically my first time getting baked of my tits, I was pretty much glued to the floor for a few hours. Me and my mate where just giggling for hours and it felt like it was a dream. However I tried it recently and wasn't as good as I expected it to be, but is still a nice relaxing strain and would defiantly recommend it to new smokers looking for a mind blowing experience :D

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