Blueberry reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Blueberry.
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Just wow! I'm vaping some Blueberry wax right now and after just my first hit I felt it. I smoke regularly and for this stuff to begin hitting me like that says a lot. I'm typically a Sative guy such as Sour Diesel but this strain goes to #1 on my Indicate list.
This is my favorite strain so far. It leaves me feeling very relaxed, helps with my arthritis pain, and I have no negative side effects to report. It leaves you with a very chill vibe. Also it tastes good and smells even better! True to its name, it really does smell like blueberry muffins.
Very good tasting strain. Burns great! Different growers have different tastes, but one of my top 10.
July 12, 2015
I've never been so sleepy. If you are looking for something to knock you out this is definitely the one. First I got hungry enough to eat everything in the house. Then I was out like a light. Woke up refreshed.
A fantastic Blueberry strain from Noble Farms. I highly recommend it if you find a shop that has it. Mine was found at Growers Outlet in South Bend Washington.
The taste and smell reminds me of blue dream but with more of a body high its a really good bedtime strain.
This Strain is a most have, it should be considered as a staple strain that you keep in your collection so it's always in reach. Blueberry has great medical qualities to help relieve stress and pain. It's also a great appetite stimulant. when it comes to relaxing and sleep, this strain has you covered. The last batch I received had just over 30 percent of THC! It came from Craft Deliveries in Berkeley California, and is available at many San Francisco bay area dispensaries.
been along time since I've had a nice sativa blueberry.