Darth Vader OG reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Darth Vader OG.
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October 15, 2015
Good strain, heavy indica. Very noicable indica feel , nice and heavy, nothing too unfamaliar other than the name, personally Id prefer this over any pruple. Give a few moments for the effects.
I'm always on the lookout for a strain that serves no other purpose than to knock me right out. This is among the best of them. Okay I'm going to sleep goodbye.
This was a pre roll with THCA 24! AmaZing for pain relief and insomnia. Even just a couple puffs can put you out. Very relaxed with tingles.
"...my guy. I'm so faded rn.. "
The first clear thought after the Vader set in.. my lord what a relaxing high. not even two minutes after I got hit with a strong, almost opioid stregnth relaxation and that "not give a damn"-edness. Faint but noticeable pasties. Can't comment on the flavour as my piece was a bit soiled, felt smooth and thick, no major throat hit/tickle.
Darth Vader OG oh man I remember the first time trying this train remember me and my best friend in our apartment watching movies so we decided smoke a huge bowl of it and we only got halfway through it before we passed out.
Awesome night smoke, this strain really makes your body feel buzzed and your mind feel at ease ! Great for insomnia ! A must have strain for all my night owls
September 21, 2015
Really good for heavy smokers. Not for beginners or moderate smokers. Smells great and it is bold and fluffy. This strain will get you faded and you might see Darth Vader him self but its really only for true smokers. I had a couple of moderates smoke this with me and they over did it where they threw up and world was spinning. So be warn this is some tip self times 2 stuff.
Darth Vader OG is all I care about before bed these days. I had trouble sleeping, but after I tried the dark side, I have had no trouble sleeping.