DelaHaze reviews

Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain DelaHaze.

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November 16, 2018
Fantastic strain, pure joy. Have tasted around 10 differents strains recently and this one was the best with no doubts.
April 27, 2019
This is a beautiful haze which I hope to try again one day. It was part of my first ever grow, and despite all the insults thrown its way, grew into a majestic plant covered in sticky white buds - about two ounces worth. I've never again come across anything quite like it. To my shame, as a novice I left it too long to reveg and lost it forever. It was borderline psychedelic - colours seemed brighter, smells smelled sweeter...the world just seemed more real on this delicious haze.
July 10, 2017
Dela Haze from Licensed Provider, Emblem, in Canada, is definitely a Top Shelf, Triple A Strain. The taste and smell of this queen are delicious. It is a highly potent strain, if your sample phenotype has a high THC level. The terpenes in this Meducal Marijuana definitely boost the medicinal properties of this beautiful girl. Fruity smells are released when preparing this yummy mummy for a smoke session. The smoke from a joint is nice and thick and has definite diesel and mango flavours. Try Dela Haze Folks...You will love this Genotype. 10/10 👊CrashT🤙
October 16, 2015
great strain can't wait to try it when I need to get up and do stuff this strain has an amazing taste and the high is great hits hard and fast with a great sativa high
January 12, 2019
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Nice mellow relaxing, happy high. Great for de-stressing. As a caregiver, this relaxes me Helps cope with demands and stress. Brings a smile to my face.
October 12, 2016
This strain was enjoyable and is very potent. It smells like delicious flowery mango. The taste was really nice. It definitely has an ascent and my first time overall high lasted for about 4 hours plus. Once you get cruisin it is really nice and happy. It enhanced my surroundings. The colors were enhanced and it was slightly trippy in a good way. Made me very happy.
May 20, 2018
Let me start by saying that if you're the type of person who doesn't like hearing about dudes smokin' pot then you'd better kick it into high gear and scram buddy, because StonedOnPot is back and guess what?...I've been smokin' weed. Alright let's get down to brass tax (That expression by the way comes from mid eighteenth century America when the brass tax, a tax on the net brass a man owned, was the strongest current in the US government's tax revenue stream) it was a Sunday afternoon and I had the day off, I says to myself "I'm no coward, I'm going to try this Delahaze strain that all the kids are talking about probably." Now it just so happens that I'd recently come into possession of one gram of said pot. Not by choice mind you, no, but by sheer luck. Sometimes you wonder if a higher power is writing your story, sometimes you swear you can hear The Creator saying "Hey StoneOnPot, why don't you light up that chron-chron and, I don't know, see what happens." And then he throws his head back and laughs maniacally. You curse your powerlessness but resist as you might, there's no escaping the reality that we're all just puppets on his strings playing out whatever drama most amuses him in the moment. Why, that's the first story he ever wrote. Anyway, rest assured this weed gets you stoned. But I'm only giving it 4 stars. It's not cocaine.
July 26, 2017
Feel so much energy right now and my body is buzzing.

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