Harlequin reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Harlequin.
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Nice, steady session flower. Won't get you dumb.
December 30, 2019
I agree this is great medical marijuana. I only got a actual buzz the first few times I smoked this flower. I feel the lower THC content caused me to build a tolerance quickly, and soon it no longer helped my migraines. Along with Cannatonic, I found it to be a good beginner strain, as it helped me understand how savitas and THC affect me.
so I tried this for anxiety and I was nervous because last time I smoked 8 years ago I got paranoid and forgot how to use my arms at one point. But now I'm older and there is so much information so I thought I'd give it a shot. this is amazing. I'm on day 5 and I feel like it seriously have given me a boost. its refreshing, best way to describe it is I feel like I just took an awesome nap. my attitude has definitely changed for the better.
Love this strain. At first I was scared it would RAISE my ANXIETY but I gave in and had to try it. I was hurting badly and my inflammation kicked in with my 2 herniated disk in my neck. I'm also a WORKING MOM and couldn't feel like I was tiered at work. This strain helped with my pain & inflammation but also kept me focused at work. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HARLEY QUINN. I RECOMMEND IT to EVERYBODY with inflammation & pain
my friend Tony did this one still high of it and idk wtf that is, but he likes it, it's been 3 days of him being on this.
While I like this strain I'm not entirely sure of it. I don't know if it's because I am out of practice with smoking and so unuse to the effects anymore, or this is a very potent strain that needs to be taken in moderation. Bought it due to high CBD percentage while still being moderately high in THC as well. Smoked a tiny bowl to try it out. Within the first 30 minutes it cleared up the pain I have from a spinal injury and some recent dental work; was extremely similar to how the vicodin felt that the dentist prescribed. However it quickly went from the pain relief feeling of taking two vidoin to feeling like I took 3 or 4 of them instead. Extremely tingly sensation in arms and legs and quickly had a very strong headache. From there it proceeded to a several hour nap because of how doped up I felt and still woke up feeling the effects, though not as strongly.
Let's be straight foward I get fucking paranoid and anxiety the next day.
When I started smoking Harliquin do to low thc and high CBD ,
Jesus lord I feel the pain go away and help me sleep,
does get youhigh with out the paranoia and anxiety , but a different high more of a head high.
ShowGrow LA
March 18, 2017
My day-to-day smoke.
Pain is eased and it helps clear my head.