Few things can floor you and disrupt your day faster than a migraine. Recognized as one of the most common forms of headache disorders, medical experts define migraines as a pervasive neurological disease with a range of nasty symptoms, from throbbing temples to nausea and extreme sensitivity to sound and light stimuli.
Beyond being exceptionally painful, migraines also tend to stick around, often lasting for days and, in extreme cases, even weeks at a time. Unfortunately, no universal solution exists for treating migraine symptoms. Though some have found relief in the form of prescription drugs, the unwanted side effects associated with many of these medications can outweigh their intended benefits for a significant number of patients. Furthermore, only about half of migraine sufferers have seen a doctor about their condition. For this reason, some have turned to cannabis as a therapeutic aid for treating migraines. By seeking out strains rich with certain terpenes and cannabinoids—two essential compounds that define each strain’s unique characteristics—studies have found that patients may be able to tame primary migraine symptoms, like pain and nausea.
Read on to discover the science underpinning weed’s efficacy as a migraine treatment, a summary of its potential benefits to patients, and Leafly’s recommendations for both the best and strongest strains that can provide relief.