
The terpene ocimene is awesome. (Leafly)
The terpene ocimene is pretty awesome, indeed. (Leafly)

Ocimene is a common terpene found in some types of cannabis, as well as in a wide variety of other plants, such as mint, parsley, pepper, basil, mangoes, orchids, and kumquats. Typically recognized for its sweet, fragrant, herbaceous, and woodsy notes, this terpene often functions to help plants defend themselves in their natural environment. It also has been found to play a role in attracting pollinators to different flowers.

What is ocimene used for?

Ocimene is most commonly used by humans to add fragrance to various products. Sometimes this could be as simple as adding a sweet herbal scent to a dish, such as adding some basil to a pasta dish. In more concentrated forms, ocimene is often used in the fragrance industry for creating various smells in perfumes and fragrances used in household products, such as citrus, lavender, mango, and other spicy or herbaceous fragrances. 

Ocimene is also common in cannabis and has been shown to hold some potential medical benefits. For instance, it is found as a primary chemical constituent in many plant oils, such as lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.), which has shown promising antiviral effects against Herpes simplex 2. In other studies using essential oils featuring ocimene as the predominant volatile chemical, it promised antifungal, antioxidant, and even anti-inflammatory benefits.

How do you use ocimene?

Ocimene can be used as an essential oil and can be diffused in the air. With cannabis, look for products with lab results showing higher levels of ocimene. Strains that usually test high in ocimene include Golden Goat, Strawberry Cough, Chernobyl, and Space Queen.