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Curaleaf - Tucson Oracle

Leafly List Winner
1640.6 miles away

1966 Reviews of Curaleaf - Tucson Oracle

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February 19, 2021
Used to love it, they need to figure out a way to separate Med/Rec. lines around the corner and 2 hour wait is driving away your medical patients
December 23, 2016
As someone who spends hundreds of dollars a week or so here, I have to say my last visit was extremely disappointing. I ask for a gram of shatter and a cartridge, and they give me a total of less than 100. I always expect to pull money from the ATM, so I pull as usual. As I head back to the front, they ask if it was a full gram or half gram I wanted and answered full, they give me a new total of 115. Now I don't mind the mess up, because I still want the full gram and cart, but to not even offer to discount the additional 2.25 because the ATM "doesn't belong to you" is just ridiculous. They even caught their mistake because they had to RE-ASK me if it was for sure the full gram I wanted. At least offer a half-gram pre-roll for the error! Yeah it's only 2 bucks, but this isn't the first time they've made this mistake, that 4.50 I just spent at the ATM could have bought me a little more at your store in the future. Again, as someone who buys well over hundreds of dollars frequently here, this has just been a huge disappointment.
May 14, 2017
The worst place ever! This place is a joke and reflects all that is bad with this cannabis industry in Az. The "meds" sold at this place are far from quality. Reggie from mexico is far better than anything this place has. They need to be put out of business.
November 28, 2016
Drove here from kind of far for the $180 ounce price. They refused to honor the price(even after showing them the menu on my phone), and by the time I walked out and reloaded the menu they changed it. They did not thank me for catching their mistake, they did not offer a discount, they did not offer to pay for gas. Done
July 4, 2017
Staff is very friendly. Everything I've tried is top notch. There's always something different for me to try.
August 23, 2017
They send out specials via text and then dont honor them. Done with them.
August 14, 2017
I rode down from Chandler (to run some errands) and stopped by BLOOM to see what I might want to take home with me. Clarissa & I discussed my options and I decided to buy an eighth of Summer Breeze (A Sativa Dom.) I must say that Clarissa was helpful & friendly. Thanks again, Clarissa! (PhatTommy Says)
May 29, 2017
OK so I made my first visit on the 5/27. I had read alot of reviews about this place so my expectations weren't high. The people at the front were very helpful and I bought an 1/8. I was a few cents short on tax and the girl helping me covered it for me. don't believe the negative reviews try it for yourself cause I will definitely be back.
August 15, 2019
Very disappointed with these folks. They had no love for their jobs or patients. When ask about deals for first time patients I was told we have none. When ask about the first time deals they advertise online I was told well if its there then we have it. There was no knowledge of there deals or products and I felt very unwelcome.
March 25, 2022
Bloom USED to be great. Until they combined Med and Rec into the same lines. Most other tucson dispensaries have smartened up and greater multiple lines to allow medical to get the preference over recreational but bloom just can’t get on board. I recommend prime leaf or harvest over bloom any day.
May 6, 2020
I've been a loyal Bloom dispensary customer for a while now but got tired of Thier limited supply of flowers . So I tried Earth's Healing Dispensary and man the buds are so much better and they have a huge variety of flowers 😁😍 and better quality
May 22, 2020
The $125 ounces are disgusting and filled with Trim. I realize you get what you pay for but this the flower this place has is garbage. Why can't you trim the buds then make edibles from your trim? You can make a shit load of money and still give decent flower to patients I just can't understand this place? Most of the reviews have to be fake. You are honestly better off buying some Reggie from your cool uncle.
December 31, 2020
I would NOT recommend Bloom to anyone. They have the rudest and most unhelpful staff out of all the dispensaries I have been too. And that’s every single one in Tucson. They use tricks and tactics to force their customers to spend more money! They DO NOT care about their customers and they get way to EXCITED with their POWER to deny ANYONE! AND THEY WILL! Their customers refuse to practice social distancing in line! You will be cussed out, or worse if you even ask them too!!! If you want specifics, keep reading. I have numerous issues with this dispensary, so many it is hard to know where to start... So I’ll start with the items listed above: Quality Service and Atmosphere. I gave a two star for quality simply because the last ounce I purchased from them literally had over 50 seeds in it. By the time the seeds and stems were removed it was more like a half. This was not the first time, their quality in pre packaged discounted goods is severely lacking. I gave them one star for service, but if there were a way to give them half of one, I would have. I can not even begin to tell you the number of times a member of their staff was rude to me or I heard them being rude to another customer. For example, I called a couple weeks ago to place a phone order, because the website was down AGAIN (which is a constant problem), so I wanted to place a phone order. I was informed rudely that “we are super busy right now we aren’t doing that, please place your order online”, and she hung up. Now how, was I gonna place my order online??? Website wasn’t working due to a high volume of orders. Now see, I let all that go and drive down there to place my order like a good little drone, but when I get there, not SINGLE PERSON IN LINE! There was one customer in the back, and one out front, and THATS NOT BUSY FOR BLOOM! How were they then just TOO BUSY to take my order?? I gave them one star for atmosphere because I never enjoy going here, I like dealing in specifics so I’ll give you one for this as well. This happened yesterday. I was standing in a rather long line, already a little disappointing that it was very cold and they had only provided a heater for the people standing at the front of the line, but no big. Shortly, after I arrived another person got in line behind me, which was fine until he laughed and I literally felt the air from his chuckle blow over my ear. I’m thinking, “Is he standing that close?” So I look back and yep 2-3 feet behind me. He left the line so I didn’t say anything, but he came back. Still like 2 and 1/2 ft behind me, so I moved forward in hopes he would stay there, (I always leave a little room for those people), he just followed me twice in my attempts to create more distance. So finally I looked back and said, “that’s not quite six feet, you think?” My EXACT WORDS! Just so you all know, I have a heart condition, COPD, and Asthma, I really want to NOT get the Coronavirus! As is MY RIGHT! The gentleman was very respectful and instantly moved back to proper social distance, however for some unknown reason to me, the girl behind him just couldn’t be nice at all. I don’t know if they were a couple, or maybe she was hoping to be or something I don’t know. But she told me to calm the fuck down, and called me a bitch. And had all kind of rude things to say. The security guard conveniently walks up at this point and as is bloom custom threatens all of the people in line with denial of service. (This is also not the first time I have seen them threaten to turn everyone away, instead of only the people causing the problem.) There are other issues as well, such as availability of product, like today, I got a text at 9:01am stating that they had $125 ounces while supplies lasted. I need to take another side step here just for clarification. I make less than 1000 a month on disability and half of that is instantly gone to rent. I literally have 100.00 a month for MMJ, and I use it for the control of epileptic seizures. At the $125 price I am still over my budget I HAVE NO CHOICE! By 10:00 when I went to order they were out. Seriously why? I mean you guys know they are gonna sell, why did you get so few, SIMPLE!! Cause you want us to spend more money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get it Smart business, rude but smart. SORRY THOUGH I HAVE NO EXTRA MONEY TO GIVE YOU!!!! Instead I have to go without! Desperate, I called them just to make sure it wasn’t a website error, and nope, after being told to hold, even though my question would have taken two seconds. Sitting on hold for 9 minutes i then to find they are in fact out of $125 ounces. At just over an hour after saying they had some. How many I wonder did they have? Like what 10 of them??? I don’t know. So I got curious about their reviews and I got to say why do they have so many fantastic reviews. And then I remembered all these places give pre-rolls for reviews. And when you’re getting something for free, well are you gonna say something mean. I wouldn’t!!
February 17, 2017
went in specifically for a sativa strain that was listed on their menu as $185,. i was given a indica strain that was listed for 165$, i told the tender i wanted the $185 sativa and was told it wasnt on sale amd would be over $200. then after all that i look at my reciept and was charged $185 for a strain listed at $165. Not only was I given the incorrect strain, but at a higher price. i like this place but am sick of the inconsistency and their complete lack of knowledge on strains, the prices are the only thing that keeps me going here.
October 10, 2019
ok I used to be regular at this location...the girl little girl working at counter with gadges in her ears was rude.... and I had like 700 points so I decided to come in a cash in and they were completely out of all flower accept grams .. so I couldn't get my free 8th .. I feel like they should have let me get 2 grams to accommodate... ( even though they normally only let u get one thing on points ) so anyways I am like I will get gram indica and all they have is sativa..... 😑😭 so I ended up getting a preroll . 👎👎 main reason for 2 stars was her funky attitude . Would have been one star but guy who cashed out was definitely more friendly. Word of advice to girl at counter ... if u don't like people don't work face to face with customers!
April 14, 2020
Do not recommend this place at all worse place outta all this dispos in town I been here 10 time an each time by flower has been nothing but stem like how can u sell that to your customer
March 11, 2021
3-11-21, I just bought 14g King Louis XIII today and got 2.1g of sugar leaves in it that I had to spend 2 hours plucking off, okaay😒... But that's not all, to top it off it was still crazy harsh, not like any King Louie XIII I've had before, and it's too wet to even smoke, I had to dry a little too even try a little! 😡However the 3.5g concrete slippers was clean, ready and good. I guess I've just learned an expensive lesson, you just can't buy anything more than a 3.5g pack at Bloom Tucson.
March 25, 2022
Both my wife and I ordered from here through Leafly, followed directions as this isn't our first rodeo, and never got a second text, orders were never filled. Lots of waiting, calls went unanswered, never got anything. Not sure this place wants money.
October 16, 2016
It was my first time here and as I was sitting in the lobby waiting, I realize why they appeared so busy. They have the cheapest stuff to sell, everyday! And just like walmart, oh my gosh, the people there are bums. I felt like I didn't belong in there. I thought I was going to get shanked in the lobby, or mugged in the parking lot. Before I walked in, there were people asking me to buy weed for them. What the hell! They say poop attracts flies so....
November 27, 2019
Girl in the front checking people in has no people skills ugly atmosphere and staff... Will no longer be shopping if us as customers and patients are going to be treated that way. rude rude rude
May 28, 2017
it's okay. I just don't like how everything is prepackaged. 🤔🤔🤔
May 1, 2021
It was by far the worst experience I have had at a dispensary service was ok but there was no rapport build or anything. The service felt really cold.
May 4, 2021
I just went here for the first time. They didn’t have what I ordered so I ended up with some really not good flower. I’ve never seen such low quality in any dispensary. It’s brown with a musty scent. Not pleasant. Seriously people go somewhere else. They charge med patients the recreational tax which is illegal. The help at the counter had no information to provide on strains when I had to pick something else. I felt like they have cashiers not the kind of bud tender experience I’m used to. Maybe they were just too busy to have time. Anyway, that was my first and last visit.
February 3, 2018
Menu does NOT reflect prices that are one day "deals"...they are not updated and may not be valid on the day you travel. 1st neg experience, drove a ways to get there, showed them their website, and was told "Sorry". Better to call to ensure accurate information