Oreoz reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Oreoz.
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Fire strain helps me see the field in madden better
I had to come write this while it’s still fresh in my memory. Got half oz of this and man! Let me set the stage, me and my homeboy are meeting up to go smoke out by the water and listen to music in NYC, I’m an experienced smoker and have a high tolerance, he’s a light weight, this starts to happen around 5pm by the time we both realized it we were TWO YouTube video playlist and going down to the water was out the question it was now 8pm lmfaoooo man what a ride! This shit is def a treat and should be used in moderation. If you see this grab it cause it’s a good freaking time!
Oh FYI- get LOTS OF SNACKS, you should basically look like a 7 year old with a credit card at a candy store amount of snacks.
Good versatility!
I made cannabutter out a quarter oz of this, and then did measurements by .25tsp of that butter; maximum dosage at one time was 1.25tsp.
In low doses, it is perfect for being creative, spiritual, and focused. The come down and the next day tend to just involve sleepiness and good, if vivid, dreams.
In higher doses, there is an amount of what I'll call bed-lock, where I stayed in bed for sex reasons for most of the high. Even with that, though, my brain remained highly active and engaged in detailed creative pursuits.
it's good at any dosage for easing muscle pain due to inflammation, as well as the tension and pain I feel due to a connective tissue disorder, and pains aggravated by stress.
my biggest complaint is the munchies, because they are very strong--but as someone in recovery for anorexia/bulimia, and as someone whose autism hamstrings me from eating regularly and often healthily, it is very useful to me that the strong munchies force me to sate hunger regularly. just make sure to have food sober-you wouldn't feel bad about eating around before you imbibe. I recommend fruit.
May 19, 2023
wow. first off, this top 5 prettiest bud I've ever bought. Its shimmering white with tricombs just drenching it. if you told me you spent $60 on this I'd absolutely believe you. even though it was $30 an 8th from Curaleaf. The 8th came in 2 giant buds.
*The high: it is the most pleasant, fun, make you smile & giggle, and generally love everything around you. you feel like you're back in the womb. great alone or with a group. its 23+% thc so it packs a punch and it has legs to it. its the perfect high. And the few ppl who tried it with me all had the same reaction as I did, so I know it wasn't just me.
I'm going back tomro and grabbing 2 more 8ths first chance I can. if the buds look like the 8th I got today, this will truly be a diamond in the rough strain. Can't recommend it higher.
Oh yes, I’m in love. Bought a oz, rolled 6 blunts. Had to put it out about halfway through. Feeling too good. Smoking while working from home, I say that I’m more detailed when writing reports 🥰. No stress with this gas. Getting more
Alright , live review people. Oreoz in nug run shatter form 96 % thc from a trusted extractor friend of mine. Let's light up the nectar collector. Inhale. Tastes sweet at the beginning and finishes with a skunky / dieselly hybrid. 5 minutes in and I feel nothing. Time for hit # 2. That did it. I immediently feel my eye lids get heavy. I feel my muscles loosen up. A very foggy high. Would love to try in flower form. This is my second experience the first was in an oil cart. Overall a good strain for the anxious , depressed and in pain like myself. Time to relax now folks.
I had a 8th and had a skinny blunt and I only hit it a couple of times and then I was very mellow I Was laying in my room for like 5mins the it kicked in and only thing that I wanted “craved” was beef noodles and thwy tasted so amazing better then any other time and then I went to sleep hella relaxed after a stressful day over all loved it 😭🍃🖤
I have been using this strain to medicate stomach issues for over a year, the amount of munchies I get from this strain is beautiful and the relief I get to my joints makes it very easy to get up and start cooking again, my boyfriend found me making Baked Ziti at 5am 2 weeks ago because I wanted pasta and I had all the ingredients and time, 10/10 if your trying to solve hunger issues