GSC reviews

Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain GSC.

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March 10, 2019
GSC did for my chronic muscle spasms what Flexeril, Baclofen & Methocarbamal couldn't do for me...relax my muscles! After my car accident, my upper back was in a constant spasm. This completely relaxes me, helps with my anxiety & depression and diminishes my chronic pain. I can think without my brain running at a billion miles a minute too (ADHD). I LOVE GSC!
May 21, 2016
Definitely some good shiz
July 2, 2015
Ever since I first tried it, GSC has been a great day-time high with enough mellow to take the edge of any pain or discomfort as well. I think it's a great all purpose bud, as the taste and aroma are pleasant, and the effect is noticeable and strong due to its high THC content. I do find when I overdue it sometimes I get a little sleepy, so make sure you don't go crazy if you have something important to do. :p
June 24, 2016
Helps alot with my parkinsons, calms down the shaking and foot shuffeling. Great taste and smells devine.
April 30, 2015
Hmmm... How do I start this one? This is conflicting. Get comfy.. This is gonna be a long review!! I read so much about the phenomenal effects of this strain, but the THC of the GSC I got was not around the 30% mark like many say, Mine was closer to 16%. I got mine the day it was released by Tilray. I also ordered 15 Grams of it thinking I had better get a good amount before everyone orders it out. So I placed the order on the Thursday and had it sent from BC that day and it was at my door in Ontario the NEXT DAY!! (Woo-Hoo!) Everything was good till I tried to Vape it.. It seemed to not Vape well.. Like it was still a bit "Too Fresh".. (If that is even possible.) It did not last long in the Vape and I had to refill the bowl much sooner than I thought I should need to and the smoke was never really there, like it was still too wet, even though it was dry. It is better now after a few days but still. I mix mine up now with several other strains. I mix the Girl Scout Cookies with, Nordle, a touch of Cheese (Only because Cheese is really hard on my throat), Fruit Spirit, Cannatonic, LA Confidential, Super silver haze and Headband. (I will occasionally swap the Cannatonic with the 14% CBD with the Super Silver Haze) but MY GOD! The effects of this blend is PHENOMINAL!! It makes you tingle in all the "RIGHT PLACES!" :-) And the arousal level is through the roof!! I thought it was a 1-off but after 3 days in a row I am convinced it is because of my blending of these different strains. The first night my wife and I were at it for over 3 hours! The next night was 5 then the night after that was 7 HOURS!!!! from 10:30 till 5:30 AM!!!! Of course there were a few couple minute pee brakes mixed in there LOL! The next night was only like 20 minutes.. We were too tired from the night before! LOL!!! Now I know I have gone off topic here by quite a bit, but GSC is a part of this blend that I do. Granted nobody has all the strains that I do and can mix them the way like I do, but the point that I am trying to make for those that are really new to this like I kinda am, is simply this... It is OK to mix different strains together and smoke/vape it. You may even be surprised... Pleasantly, like I am! If you do not have a vaporizer, REALLY recommend you get one! You will actually "TASTE" the strain as opposed to tasting the burning paper and the cigarette-like taste. Vaping will make it taste better. MUCH better. They are not expensive and are well worth the plunge to buy one. I will NEVER smoke a joint again! That is how good a vaporizer is! Now as for this strain specifically on it's own, I am not sure about "Highly recommending" this strain, but it is worth a try, but pay attention to the THC in the one you are ordering as I didn't really do that so this may be why my review is not as glowing about GSC as others may be! As for the length of the effects, I was feeling good for about an hour or so then just a few hits to top up and all was good, but again the first time was disappointing due to the issues I stated above. I did not get too hungry and eat more than I normally do, like other strains that do that to me. My pains are Mid-back, knees, heels and overall lethargy, like I can NOT get out of 1'st gear no matter how much I try!. I used to have to "JACK" myself on Delottid. 3 pills of 4Mgs each in one dose just to get me to feel more well... not so... well.. sloth like!. But using cannabis has reduced my need for Fentanyl almost entirely! I went from using the 100 Mcg/h patches to 12.5 Mcg/h patches and supposed to use them every 3 days. Patches would only last 2 or 2.5 at best, but now I only use Fentanyl at the rate of 1 patch every week or two!! Only when I get a REAL bad flare up, or when I know I have a lot of physical work to do within the next 24 hours to help but otherwise, I am ALMOST completely off a dangerous narcotic so using less of a synthetic narcotic is a MASSIVE victory for me personally. Anyhow, that is my review.. Now I am going to take a hit to help alleviate this sudden blasted carpal-tunnel like pain I am having from typing this much!
July 20, 2018
You want to base your review on how stinky your GSC is. Yes, stinky because Durban is like wet socks. In a good way. Penetrating high. bs
October 3, 2015
Very potent with a strong cerebral high and a good body high without couch-lock. Buds are dark with bright orange hairs and super dense, seriously compact and sticky.
March 7, 2019
In smaller doses, this strain makes me want to draw and be a little more active than I normally would while high. In large doses this shit makes me come close to passing out and makes me ridiculously horny, 6/5 stars

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